Thursday, January 13, 2011

Let me tell you about my sisters...

I have two sisters. One is 4 years older and one is 7 years younger. We've had our ups and downs. We've had our moments of hating each other. We've had more than our share of fights. We've moved far too many times together and now live 3,000 miles too far apart from each other. There was a time when I could not wait to be out of the same house as them...when I was jealous of my only child friend...when I was eager to be grown up and apart. Now I miss them more than words can say. Washington, DC, is a very long ways from Chino, CA.

Many of my California friends will never really know my sisters. For those of you who do, you know just how true this statement is: my sisters are courageous. My sisters are strong. My sisters have overcome significant odds and are truly amazing women.

One sister courageously left everything she knew behind and faced a journey to take back her life. She has grown exponentially in the past year. She is discovering how much she is really worth and how truly amazing her life is going to be. The possibilities are endless.

My other sister (not to be confused with "The Other Sister") has endured more in her years than most do in an entire lifetime. She is a survivor. However, she is not satisfied with just surviving. She is changing her world. She stands when everyone else would cower in fear. Actually she does more than stand. She fights. She keeps moving forward and moving up. The doors of opportunity are just now beginning to open and the world hasn't seen anything yet.

My sisters...truly amazing. Deeply inspiring. Absolutely strong.

1 comment:

  1. your light shines so bright. thank you. you made me cry this morning- because your words were so kind and so the arms of a burly grandmother (you like that?), but mostly because i thank God...i truly thank God that He gave us each other. i love you!
