Saturday, January 8, 2011

It's All About Perspective

I've been having one of those weeks. You know the week I'm talking about...the one where every day feels just a bit off. It seems that everyone is a bit more negative or touchy or critical. Drivers are more ridiculous. Customers are more exhausting. Minor annoyances seem monumental. Ring any bells? Let's just say I am more than happy to say good bye to this week and hello to the next.

I feel a little discombobulated this week. Perhaps it is my sugar and soda withdrawal kicking my butt. Perhaps I am emotionally sensitive this week. Perhaps I am overwhelmed by the expectations I place on myself. Whatever the reason, I do not quite feel at home in my present circumstances. That is not a feeling I welcome or enjoy even slightly.

As I was driving home from work tonight, I was mulling over the events of the week. Analyzing what I have said or done and what those around me have said or done and what that means for my future...over-analyzing would probably be a more accurate description. I drove home completely overwhelmed by my feelings of inadequacy and angst. I was hoping to walk into my home feeling exactly that...HOME, peace, calm, rest. However, I felt the exact opposite.

As I was ranting and raving, (ask my BFF about the ranting), I simply said, "God, I can't do this anymore. I can't be here. I need it to change." Right then the still, small Voice that had been speaking to me all day finally broke through my chaos.
Relax. Take a deep breath. Stop seeing things through your eyes and let Me show you what I see. I see promise and potential. I see victory and abundance. I see peace and possibility. I see lives changed because of who you are and where you are. Rest. Let Me do the work. Let Me bring the breakthrough. It's not up to you.
Inhale. Exhale. Rest. Tomorrow is a new day and my God promises new mercies and unfailing love.

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