Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Inspiration Indeed

I was hoping to wait for a moment of true inspiration. A moment worthy of words. A moment that demanded world-wide fame on...my blog. Alas, inspiration is not a guarantee. Moments, however, come and go at such a rapid pace that we rarely stop to acknowledge them. And those moments are the very essence of a life well lived ~ a life overflowing with moments of joy, sorrow, laughter, tears, excitement, promise, hope. That, my friends, is what I hope to share.

Tonight was filled with the type of moments you hope to replay in the memory files of your mind over and over and over again. I was supposed to head over to a friend's to work on a choir project for our concert on Saturday. We were going to head to her work to take advantage of her computer system there. Of course, my beautiful drive home through the enchanting scenery of the 57 and 60 freeways took an eternity. (A brief aside: If you don't know me, sarcasm tends to weave its fingers through the majority of my conversations and will most often travel through my posts as well.) By the time I stopped at home to change my clothes and grab my laptop, it was past 7 pm. Juli and I were in no mood to head somewhere else to work. Instead we enjoyed the balmy tropical temperatures of her den. We solved the world's problems with our brilliance. We laughed until we cried about the unintelligible call and response of "Hosanna" at rehearsal on Tuesday and the amazing way that we all sang the same non-words. I got loaded up with enough music to last me for a few months. We got a little work done and enjoyed some moments of humanity...people simply doing life together.

It hit me when I got home that I allow myself to get completely engulfed by emotions thrown at me all day and react by retreating. I didn't particularly want to get up for work today. I was tired and a little stressed about the events of the weekend. I did not have some divine revelation about the one thing I could change to make sales plan at work. I dealt with demanding customers. I sat in ridiculous traffic. The list goes on and on. My normal response would be an evening of no talking or contact with human beings outside the actors on TV. I perpetuate the cycle. I think about the day. I wish things were different and then I wake up expecting another day of the same. I love how God takes the ordinary to the teach me a lesson. Life is better when done together. Family ~ the one we're born into or the one we choose ~ brings perspective and clarity.

Perhaps that is the exact inspiration I need.

PS -- You may also read about this evening in Reggie's blog. It's so spectacular that it requires a super power to read it. :)

Here are a few of the people that make my life so worth it.