Saturday, April 30, 2011

Law of Love

I've been reading from the books of law in the Old Testament lately. Actually I've been highly entertained by the audio version from my amazing YouVersion app during my drives home from work. One of the actors that reads several chapters of Leviticus literally made me laugh out loud with his dramatic articulation. Now back to the point...If you haven't read from Leviticus lately, prepare yourself for some very specific rules and regulations. This is NOT a book to read while you are already sleepy. I can assure you, you may pass go and head directly to Dream Land. However boring or inapplicable the laws may be to us now, I am still amazed at how thoughtful our God is.

The Jews had been delivered from years of slavery and abuse. They were now a free people. They were now a force to be reckoned with...a huge group of people quickly growing into a powerful nation. However, God saw that their newfound freedom could easily evolve into a new form of slavery, slavery to foreign gods, to alien customs, to immorality. The list could go on. Therefore, the laws that God was communicating through Moses had a purpose. Their purpose was to protect the people of Israel and to give them the best possible life, full of growth and happiness and health. God is an amazing Father, always looking out for the best interest of His kids.

The laws and rules have changed a bit in our world. We have been set free from the regulations of the Law because of the sacrifice of a King. However, there are still rules to follow. Boundaries have been established. Lines have been drawn with clear instructions to stay on this side. The world may consider the Christian faith and immediately see only the "No" areas. We may get labeled as intolerant or old-fashioned or completely unrealistic. I admit, those thoughts have crossed my mind at times. I do not really enjoy being told "NO."
I try to make excuses or rationalize my way around the rules. I try to tell myself that the rule really doesn't apply to me or my situation. I am somehow different.

Lately, I have been feeling a bit differently. I have seen the results of what happens when we choose to walk outside God's boundary lines because we think the rules do not truly apply to us. The times where consequences do not follow are few and far between. Most often, I see tears and pain because of the fight to right what was wrong. I see families separated and torn apart. I see children hurt and abandoned. I see pain.

And I am reminded, my God is a good Father. He wants what is best for His kids, whether we realize we're His kids or not. He wants to protect us from the pain that will come from touching the hot stove or running into the street. He sees the results and simply wants better for us. He has come to bring us life and life abundant. If that means, I have to color inside the lines for a bit, so be it.

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