Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The Plunge

There are times when a few simple words from God's Word seem to echo in my mind for days. It should come as no surprise. His Word is living and active. It always accomplishes its purpose in my life...if I would simply let it. The Word needs to be in me in order to change me. It is simple really. I only need to open the pages and read the words. Reading...fundamental, enjoyable, simple. However, when it comes to this ONE book, it seems to be a difficult task.

My life group (a Bible study group filled with the most amazing people EVER) was recently discussing the difficulty we have spending time in God's Word. We can be committed to improving our health, lea
rning a new skill, reading a series of books, spending time with family, or practicing a talent. Yet we run away from quiet time with God. For some, it is fear that convinces us it is time better spent elsewhere. Often times it is simply laziness. Perhaps the pain of our situation is not yet greater than the pain of change we know will follow time in God's Word.

A decision has to be made. Do I want to spend another year or even another day dealing with the same issues? Or do I want to dive deep into God's Word and discover who I really am? The payoff definitely outweighs the cost.
Every time I set aside the inconsequential annoyances that keep me busy and invest time into getting to know the God who gave up everything for me, I am rewarded with a new revelation. A simple truth. A life-changing epiphany. A moment of clarity.

Most recently, these words from Psalms are marinating in my mind and heart.
Yet he was merciful; he forgave their iniquities and did not destroy them. Time after time he restrained his anger and did not stir up his full wrath. Psalm 78:38
"Yet he was merciful..." Isn't that the story of my life? "Yet he was merciful..." I didn't deserve his favor. "Yet he was merciful..." I was running as far from His voice as I could. "Yet he was merciful..." I allowed myself to become so enamored by the "stuff" the world calls beautiful that I neglected true beauty. "Yet he was merciful..."
Merriam-Webster's Dictionary defines mercy as "a blessing that is an act of favor or compassion." Mercy is also "compassion or forbearance shown especially to an offender" or "imprisonment rather than death imposed as penalty." I deserve nothing less than death. Nothing I have done deems me worthy of receiving a lesser punishment or no punishment at all. "Yet he was merciful..."
God's mercy offered forgiveness when I deserved guilt. His mercy rescued me instead of letting me drown in my self-pity and shame. It reached deep into the middle of my sin, the mud and garbage of my life, and lifted me to a place of blessing and freedom. His mercy overwhelms me. Demands my surrender. Cries out for my praise. Pursues me relentlessly. Longs for my everything and settles for nothing less.
"Yet he was merciful..."

Every word, every letter literally screams LOVE. Why would I want to run away from love? God's love -- perfect, complete, unselfish, mind-blowing, world-changing. I am ready for the plunge.

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